Workplace Standard Policy / Health & Safety Guidelines.


Official COVID-19 - Standard Workplace Policy:

As we return to work in Nova Scotia/Ontario during the COVID-19 pandemic, LEWYS LENS MEDIA has implemented a Health and Safety Policy to reduce and prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace. We are taking additional measures to protect all employees, independent contractors, and anyone on set participating in the shoot from the spread of COVID-19.

The following statement below outline’s our COVID-19 Workplace Policy:

Quarantine Protocols:

There should be no disincentive for any employees and independent contractors to stay home if they are sick or isolating. Photographers should review their agreements with all employees to ensure they align with local public health guidance.

  • Ensure that you have a back-up plan in place should an individual not be able to work the day of the shoot because they are ill or are isolating.

  • If photographers are made aware of any persons present during the shoot becoming symptomatic within 48 hours, all other individuals who were on set on the same day should be informed immediately.

  • A complete contact list of all individuals present on set, the times they were present, and their roles, must be maintained to facilitate contact tracing in the event of a positive case. This contact sheet should include names, phone numbers, and addresses. Public Health may request records from up to two-weeks prior to an individual becoming ill.

  • All contracts with clients and crew must include a cancellation and postponement policy related directly to COVID-19 health and safety. Production could be postponed or cancelled entirely for uncontrollable reasons related to the pandemic and associated restrictions. Ensure that you outline this risk and have a contingency plan in place.

    Preventing Transmission.

    Time Spent on Set:

    • All shoots should be precisely scheduled ahead of time with healthy and safety measures in mind.

    • All shoots should be done for the shortest amount of time possible. Longer times spent in enclosed spaces increases the risk of virus transmission.

    • Shorter shoot times will also allow for additional time to be allocated to cleaning and disinfecting. Additional measures will take extra time and this needs to be taken into consideration. Schedule accordingly.


    • Scheduling needs to accommodate for additional cleaning and disinfecting measures. Other safety measures will also take more time, so ensure to plan accordingly for this.

    • It is recommended that the fewest people possible are on set at any given time. If possible, stagger scheduling times to reduce the amount of individuals working.

    • People should arrive and leave at separate times to avoid coming into close contact. Areas such as doorways make physical distancing difficult.

    Shoot Payment:

    • All payments must be contactless and be done via e-transfer to/from the following email addresses provided (at

    Working Remotely:

    • The concept of working remotely whenever possible is important in order to reduce the amount of people required on set. Anything that can be done remotely should be. This includes pre-production meetings, live-streaming of shoots for clients, image review, and post-production. Whenever possible, the shoot will also be live-streamed to art and creative directors. All productions should be limited to only essential staff on set. No visitors will be permitted on location/set (unless in a pre-disclosed public location).

    COVID-19 Screening Policy:

    • All members a part of any shoot with A|G will be required 24 hours prior to fill out the following screening policy outlined via A|G’s website via Jotform. 

    • All members must be scheduled in for a remote screening that will be on set 24 hours prior to any shoot. 

    • On the day of the shoot, everyone must be screened for symptoms prior to entering the studio and/or set. Symptoms may include:

    • ○  Fever (temperature checks may be appropriate for large scale productions)

    • ○  Runny nose

    • ○  Cough

    • ○  Sore throat

    • ○  Difficulty breathing

    • Anyone with symptoms will not be permitted to enter any location and will be encouraged to return home and contact their local public health unit for further directives on isolating.

    • Anyone who has had close contact within the previous 7 days with an individual
      that has tested positive for Covid-19 should not be permitted on set (please note that most individuals in this position will have already been contacted by public health and will already be self-isolating at home).

    • Anyone who has travelled internationally within the previous 14-days should not be permitted on set.

    Shooting On Set
    As the photographer, A|G is in control of the set and is responsible for ensuring that appropriate health and safety measures are in place as well as the overall creative direction of said shoot.


    • ●  Frequent hand washing is recommended at all times.

      • ○  Water and soap and/or a 60% hydroalcoholic solution must be available
        for handwashing on set at all times.

      • ○  Handwashing and sanitizing must be easily accessible to everyone on set

    • ●  Please avoid touching your face at all times.

    • ●  Cough and sneeze into your sleeve.

    • ●  Consider your phone as another hand and clean it just as frequently. This mindset
      should be applied to any other device that anyone handles constantly.

    • ●  Hair and beards should be freshly washed. Long hair should be tied back.

    Physical Distancing:

    • The most effective method to prevent transmission is by ensuring all individuals practice physical distancing while on set. The recommended minimum physical distance from public health authorities is 2 meters.

    • Physical distance must be maintained between all individuals on set whenever possible. This applies to all persons, including talent (models).

    • Anticipate that the concept of the shoot may need modification in order to allow for health and safety measures to be implemented. For example, the client may initially request that talent be shot in close proximity to one another. These discussions must be included in pre-production meetings.

    • Exceptions to physical distancing measures can only be made for those persons who are from the same shared household. If someone does not live under the same roof as another, they must keep a minimum of 2 meters distance.

    • Physical contact must be avoided whenever possible.

    • If physical distancing is absolutely not possible, appropriate personal protective
      equipment (PPE) must be worn and made available to all people working on set.

    • Physical distancing measures must be taken into account when organizing the
      layout of the set. Consider where individuals will be working and in what roles. Plan for any movement that will need to happen on set and control this movement by establishing one way traffic flows where possible. Doorways are areas that will need special consideration as there is a higher risk of creating a bottleneck.

    Shared spaces (Including bathrooms, kitchens, and doorways):

    • When possible, individuals present on set should be restricted to separate areas.

    • The layout of the space needs to be planned for this separation. Space markers may be applied if shooting inside to clearly designate specific areas. For example, tape on the floor or physical barriers may be used to section off designated areas.

    • The movement of people on set must be controlled whenever possible. 

    • Establishing a one way flow of traffic will reduce the risk of physical distancing measures not being respected. This can be done with arrows taped to the floor or clearly posted signs.

    • Signs should be posted in all shared spaces to remind individuals of physical distancing and hygiene practices. These are new measures and it helps to have visible reminders. 

    Hair and Makeup:

    ○ Hair and makeup work stations must be a minimum of 2 meters apart.

    • Surfaces in stations should be reserved for essential tools only. Food, drink, and other items unrelated to the work of the stylists and artists should be banned.

    ○ PPE should be used when setting up the work stations to avoid contamination.


    • Bathrooms must be thoroughly cleaned after every use and disinfected daily. Any surface touched must be wiped down (taps, handles, soap dispenser, etc). Ensure that disinfectant wipes or other cleaning products are available for people to use in the bathroom.

    Kitchens and Food:

    • If possible, kitchens should not be used during the shoot. These are spaces
      with many touch spots and are high risk. If a kitchen is to be used, it should be only by a single designated person and needs to be cleaned thoroughly after every use.

    • It is recommended that all food and drink available on set should be packaged. Food and drink should not be shared in any way and packages must be disposed of safely in designated waste containers, similar to PPE.

    • Consider having all individuals bring their own food and drink to reduce the risk of any contamination. People should bring their own water bottles already filled. Water bottles should not be filled on set.

    Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

    • PPE should be worn whenever possible. This is of the utmost importance when adequate physical distancing is difficult to maintain and when individuals are expected to be in the same enclosed space for lengthy amounts of time. 

      • Examples of PPE are:

    • ○  Masks

    • ○  Gloves

    • ○  Face shields

    • ○  Barriers in place where appropriate or possible

    • It is recommended that you encourage workers to all bring their own individual PPE to set. This ensures that masks and gloves will fit well.

    • As the employer, the photographer is responsible for the health and safety of the workers on set. You must supply adequate PPE (masks and gloves), for all crew and clients scheduled to be on set should they not have any of their own, with the exception of Hair and Makeup.

    • Hair and Makeup have specialized needs and their work puts them at a higher risk. As such, they will be required to bring their own PPE to the shoot to ensure that it is well-fitted and tailored to their specific needs.

    • PPE is an additional and necessary health and safety expense to be included in the total cost of production for the client.

    • Proper disposal of used PPE:

      • Used PPE should be disposed of in designated waste receptacles. 

        • These waste bins should be easily accessible to ensure that used masks and gloves can be disposed of quickly when needed.

        • Waste containers should be ready with a sealable bag inside and should not have a lid that needs to be touched to be opened

        • The bag should be sealed and be removed after every shoot.

          • It is essential that used PPE is disposed of safely. Once worn, PPE should be treated as contaminated.

      • Masks should be worn only once and by a single person. Before
        removing a mask you should first wash your hands, remove it by the straps, dispose of it, and then wash your hands once more. In the case of reusable masks, follow the same steps, but place the used mask in a sealable bag until it can be laundered.

      • Gloves should be worn only once and by a single person. Consider the outside of the gloves as hands that can’t be washed. When removing gloves ensure that you do not touch the outsides of them, dispose of them in appropriate containers, and wash your hands.

      • Face shields should be worn only once and by a single person. They are reusable and can be cleaned and disinfected. Before removal ensure to wash your hands, place the used face shield into a sealable bag until it is time for it to be cleaned, and wash your hands once more.

    Cleaning and Sanitation

    • All staff should plan to allocate more time to cleaning and disinfecting. Ensure that all cleaning products are approved by Health Canada and are safe to use.

    • Avoid sweeping and dusting as this can stir up contaminating materials into the air. You should use cleaning wipes and mops instead.


    • The entire set/studio must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before
      and after every shoot. This includes all workstations and changing rooms.

    •  High contact areas such as interior and exterior door handles, lightswitches, and surfaces such as tables, counters, and chairs, must be cleaned frequently throughout the duration of the shoot.

    • If possible, avoid using props in the shoot. If props are used, they must be cleaned frequently.

    • Remove any unnecessary objects from the environment. Only essential items should be on set and each item should only be handled by a single person. For example, everyone has their own pen. Pay close attention to commonly shared objects and remove them if they are not necessary. Remember that everything that is touched will need to be cleaned.


    • All equipment and gear must be cleaned. 

      • Staff: Please Use alcohol wipes and soap when possible, taking caution to not damage your gear.

      • Details on what crew will be assigned what equipment must be clearly
        established in the remote pre-production meetings. 

      • It is essential that all persons understand their roles and what equipment they can handle ahead of the shoot. This will avoid any confusion on set, as well as decrease any risk of cross-contamination and transmission.

    • Equipment must not be shared whenever possible. This may mean additional equipment is required on set.

    • If it is not possible to have separate equipment for crew, then all shared equipment must be cleaned and disinfected following each and every single point of contact. Ensure that disinfectant wipes or cleaning products are readily available to facilitate this.

    • It is recommended to store gear separately to avoid having heavy cases that will require more than one person to carry them. This will require more cases than usual. If this is not possible, PPE must be worn when multiple people are carrying cases as physical distancing will be impossible to maintain. In addition, disinfectant wipes must be used to clean the cases after every point of contact.

    Shooting On Location

    • When A|G chooses a location, he will ensure that it is large enough to accommodate physical distancing measures. Confirm that other health and safety standards can also be maintained before choosing a location. It is recommended that locations be scouted by a single person, if possible.

    • A|G prefers to shoot as much as possible outdoors.

    • A|G requires that all participants ensure that physical distancing measures are followed at all times during any Shoot.

    • Staff/Talent please separate transportation to and from the set needs to be planned for. If possible, do not share a vehicle with others from outside of your immediate household.

    • ●  Staff/Talent please minimise the time spent on set. The shorter the length of time shooting, the lower the risk of transmission.

    Clients, Crew, and Models

    Please anticipate that other individuals on set will come with their own protocols and guidelines for working safely during the shoot. 

    All parties involved (Crew/Staff & Talent) should/will meet remotely prior (at least one week ahead) to any shoot to discuss their respective policies. 

    • This will allow for the photographer to mitigate any foreseeable issues and clearly establish the responsibilities of all persons in implementing health and safety measures on the day of the shoot.

    • Certain members of the crew, such as makeup artists and hair stylists, will be working in the highest risk positions as physical distancing becomes nearly impossible. Specific PPE such as masks, gloves, and face shields will need to be used. 

    • To all hair/makeup staff please be prepared to have the strictest protocols in place and understand that respecting and accommodating these guidelines is crucial for the health and safety of all.

    • Projects can vary greatly in scale and productions will require different sizes of crews based on need. Regardless of the size of the production, the photographer Aaron Greenspan is the one who is overall responsible for the health and safety of all on set. 

    • It is recommended that a single individual be assigned the role of COVID-19 Protocol Officer in which will be named:Aaron Louis Greenspan as per this policy. This individual will be responsible for the planning, scheduling, and executing the enhanced COVID-19 health and safety measures for any given shoot. 

    • These additional measures will be extensive and it is essential that all protocols are followed. This role should be recorded as an additional health and safety expense.

    A|G’s Small Projects – Photographer Only

    Crew Title General Roles & Duties COVID-19 Responsibilities


    Photographer Only:

    Controls and directs the creative process that takes place in front of the lens, on camera activities, and lighting in consultation with the client's creative team

    Assumes the role of Covid-19 Protocol Officer

    Overall responsibility for the health and safety of everyone on set

    • Must wear a mask when working with people

    • Must maintain the 2 meter physical distancing rule when working with anyone

    • Ensure that all cleaning protocols are followed before and after the shoot

    • Is the only person to set up and touch the camera and lenses during the shoot

    • Subject is not permitted to come close to the camera or computer (if used). Images can be reviewed only if a monitor is set up 2 meters from the computer.

    • Due to lack of crew, the photographer will take on the additional role of Covid-19 Protocol Officer

    Small Shoot – Minimal Crew

    Crew Title General Roles & Duties COVID-19 Responsibilities



    Controls and directs the creative process that takes place in front of the lens, on camera activities, and lighting in consultation with the client's creative team

    The photographer on small shoots will be the only one to set up and handle camera gear.

    Overall responsibility for the health and safety of everyone on set

    • Must wear a mask when working with people

    • Must maintain the 2 meter physical distancing rule when working with anyone

    • Ensure that all cleaning protocols are followed before and after the shoot

    • Is the only person to set up and touch the camera and lenses during the shoot

    • Subject is not permitted to come close to the camera or computer (if used). Images can be reviewed only if a monitor is set up 2 meters from the computer.

    1st Assistant Camera:

    Set up lighting and other gear under the photographer's direction, monitor lights, anticipate problems, provide suggestions, and make sure that the photographer can concentrate on the task at hand without distraction.

    • Ensure that all camera gear is clean and disinfected in advance of the shoot

    • Must wear PPE (mask)

    • Camera gear on smaller shoots will need to be stored separately from other gear to ensure that it is only handled by the photographer on set.

    • All gear to be cleaned and disinfected upon completion of shoot.


    • Computer imaging technician. Responsible for setup of workstation, organizes file structure and naming, backup drives, external viewing monitors.

    • During shoot: monitoring for exposure, focus and technical needs. Ensures that clients have a monitor offset to watch progress of the shoot.

    • Only person allowed to set up, touch and operate computer gear

    • All gear must be disinfected on setup

    • Must wear mask at all times

    • Figure logistics for additional handsfree wireless or wired monitors set up to be at minimum a 2 meter distance from computer workstation and other people.

    • Only 1 person per monitor is permitted within the 2 meter zone

    • At completion of shoot, all gear, drives, and memory cards are to be disinfected.

    COVID-19 Protocol Officer:

    A protocol officer is required for the planning, scheduling, and execution of Covid-19 health and safety protocols. Expenses for this crew member should be billed on a Covid-19 safety line in estimates.

    Due to limited crew, the photographer may assign the additional role of Covid-19 Protocol Officer to themselves or another member of the crew

    • Responsible for planning, assigning, and communicating all enhanced safety measures onset

    • Ensure that all Covid-19 measures and protocols are adhered to on set including physical distancing, appropriate PPE, and cleaning.

    Larger Budget – Full Crew

    Crew Title General Roles & Duties COVID-19 Responsibilities



    Controls and directs the creative process that takes place in front of the lens, on camera activities, and lighting in consultation with the client's creative team

    Overall responsibility for the health and safety of everyone on set

    • Should wear a mask when working with people • Must maintain the 2 meter physical distancing rule when working with anyone

    • Ensure that all cleaning protocols are followed before and after the shoot

    • Is the only person to set up and touch the camera and lenses during the shoot

    • Subject is not permitted to come close to the camera or computer (if used). Images can be reviewed only if a monitor is set up 2 meters from the computer.


    • Manages people, schedules, communications, delegates tasks and roles, solves problems, and takes responsibility.

    • Responsible for invoicing, expenses, and contactless payments

    • Provides deliverables/links to casting, scouting, and visuals that need approvals

    • Takes care of the photographer

    • Organizes and insures everything

    • Handles travel, catering, and transportation

    • Creates production books Stays on budget and gets overages approved as needed Works closely with art buyer Producer/Agency is usually the go-between for the client and the photographer

    • Ensure that the studio or location is safely set up with social distancing measures and traffic flow in place.

    • Plan the layout of the shoot to keep all parties separate as much as possible.

    • Conduct health check-in of all crew and talent 24 hours prior to shoot.

    • Get appropriate declarations and releases signed by all persons upon arrival on set.

    • Ensure that all PPE is available and used (with photographer)

    • Consult with photographer and clients in advance of shoot about remote access to the shoot and expectations of the same.

    • Suggest in the estimating and budgeting that new line items for COVID-19 safety protocol costs be added

    1st Assistant Camera:

    • Sets camera and lighting under photographers direction, constantly check camera settings, check focus, monitor lights, anticipate problems, provide suggestions, and make sure that the photographer can concentrate on the task at hand without distraction.

    • Ensures that all camera gear is clean and disinfected in advance of the shoot, and again if they set up gear for the photographer.

    • Must wear PPE (mask), if working within the 2 meter photographer safe zone

    2nd Assistant Camera:

    • Helps 1st assistant with lighting and gear setup, changes lighting under direction of the photographer, and monitors lighting during the shoot.

    • Cleans, packs, and returns gear to rental houses or studio after the shoot.

    • Ensure that all lighting gear is clean and disinfected in advance of the shoot, and again at completion of shoot.

    • Must wear PPE (mask), while working


    • Computer imaging technician. Responsible for setup of workstation, organizes file structure and naming, backup drives, external viewing monitors.

    • During shoot: monitoring for exposure, focus and technical needs. Ensures that clients have a monitor offset to watch progress of the shoot.

    • Only person allowed to set up, touch and operate computer gear

    • All gear must be disinfected on setup.

    • Must wear mask at all times

    • Figure logistics for additional handsfree wireless or wired monitors set up to be at minimum a 2 meter distance from computer workstation and other people.

    • Only 1 person per monitor is permitted within the 2 meter zone

    • At completion of shoot, all gear, drives, and memory cards are to be disinfected.


    • Props stylist acquires and adjusts objects to tell the visual story with items that may be held or seen on camera.

    • Set dressing may be included in this role, or may be the responsibility of a separate set dressing crew member.

    • If possible, props should be obtained in advance with enough time for quarantine (up to 72 hours), before bringing to set.

    • Prop stylists must wear gloves and mask at all times

    • Suggest sealable plastic bags or bags to bring to the set to be opened using PPE, or allow talent to be the only ones to handle them on set until shoot is finished.

    • Props should be cleaned and quarantined before returns or disposal.


    • Responsible for obtaining and preparing all wardrobe that may be used in the photo shoot (other than talent clothing).

    • The wardrobe stylist is responsible for steaming, pressing, and pinning clothing for talent.

    • If not using talent, stylist folds and prepares the garments on set for the photographer.

    • Wardrobe stylists to use mask and gloves at all times

    • If possible wardrobe should be obtained in advance with enough time for quarantine (up to 72 hours), before bringing to set.

    • Suggest large plastic garment bags to bring to the set and to be opened using PPE, or allow talent to be the only ones to handle on set until shoot is finished.

    • Garments should be cleaned and quarantined before returns or disposal

    Hair & Makeup

    • Hair stylists are responsible for styling hair for the look and feel of the shoot under direction of the photographer. Makeup artists work with talent to achieve the best look to meet photography style requirements

    • Both work in direct contact with the talent

    • Hair Stylists and Makeup Artists will have their own set of Covid-19 health and safety regulations and protocols to follow. These must be adhered to on set.

    • Face shields, masks, and gloves must be worn at all times when working with the talent.

    • No sharing of makeup applicators allowed. Consider use of disposable applicators

    • It is recommended that separate palettes per talent are used to avoid cross contamination

    • Disposable towelettes are to be used at all times

    • All tools must be disinfected to medical standards between use and kits must be completely sanitized between shoots

    Production Assistant

    • Provides general assistance on set to help as required. This includes, but is not limited to, carrying and setting up gear, and preparing tables and other required infrastructure to facilitate crew as needed.

    • May be required to drive a vehicle in order to do pickups and returns.

    • Follow all standard safety and physical distancing protocols

    • Should have access to cleaning supplies at all times

    • Must wear mask and gloves when on set

    First Aid/Craft Service

    • Sets with over a certain number of people in attendance will require a certified first aid attendant on set at all times (Specific provincial regulations on this must be consulted prior to shoot).

    • This role is often combined with a person or team who provides snacks, drinks, and other items to sustain the crew between meals.

    • First Aid/Craft Services will have their own set of Covid-19 health and safety regulations and protocols to follow. These must be adhered to. 

    • No common self-serve craft services will be permitted

    Production Coordinator

    • For larger shoots with complex logistics, locations, talent, and multiple suppliers, the production coordinator assists the producer.

    • Responsibilities include scheduling, call sheets, and other details to support the producer and photographer

    • Follow all standard safety and physical distancing protocols while on set

    • Should work remotely with producer whenever possible

    Location Manager

    • For larger productions on location (ie: public buildings, streets, or parks), a location manager is required to obtain permits and ensure that all safety rules are adhered to.

    In some cases, Location Production Assistants will be required to control access and assist in directing the public around sets.

    • Will work directly with the producer and photographer onset at the shoot. Follow all standard safety and physical distancing protocols.

    • PPE must be worn if dealing with the public or crew.

    • Cell Phones and walkie-talkies are the usual methods of communication for location and set control and must be cleaned before, during, and after the shoot

    COVID-19 Protocol Officer (Aaron Greenspan)

    • For larger productions, a protocol officer is required for the planning, scheduling, and execution of Covid-19 health and safety protocols. Expenses for this crew member should be billed on a Covid-19 safety line in estimates.

    • Responsible for planning, assigning, and communicating all enhanced safety measures onset

    • Ensure that all Covid-19 measures and protocols are adhered to on set including physical distancing, appropriate PPE, and cleaning.

    Workplace Policy Administration

    LEWYS LENS MEDIA is responsible for administering and enforcing this policy. If you have any questions regarding this policy, or if you have questions about health and safety protocols that are not addressed in this policy, please contact Aaron Greenspan.